Friday, December 08, 2006

Gas Light Market

We are only 8 days into summer and it is about 9pm.
It's a hot night and the air is slightly acrid with the smell of the fires already blazing in Victoria, our state.
On a lighter note, before talking more about the fires, here are some photos taken on Wednesday evening at the Queen Victoria Market. The inner Melbourne Holt's were out
in force, we were early to avoid the long queues at the various food stalls.

Large parts of Australia are in the grip of serious drought and our "backyard" is threatened with the most serious bushfires since Black Friday 1939.
Several fires started by lightning strikes and other fires lit by the ubiquitous nutters who take advantage of the conditions to light even more, have joined up into a massive fire front. It is expected to be hot for the next two days and if the wind gets up as well a lot of people in Victoria are going too be in a lot of trouble.
I can still remember a preacher using the Black Fridays fires to illustrate his sermon. H e said something like this, "A little group of timber cutters, who were helping fight the terrible fires on that day were suddenly caught in a wind change. The monstrous fire tuned and roared like an express train toward the men. There appeared to be no hope for them whatsoever. The fire roared around them, and miraculously swept on passed them, and they were still alive.
How had this happened? The men were fortunate to find themselves on a spot where the fire had already burned". The preacher went on to say that when Jesus Christ was on the cruel cross, the fires of God's judgment for sin fell on Him, the only one who had never sinned. When we receive Christ as our own Saviour, we are "In Christ"
We are in a place where the fire has already burned, and we are saved.
That's the exact place where I am and want to be, "In Christ"


At 1:10 am, Blogger auschick said...

that's a really cool analogy :)


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