Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Some confused fellow once exclaimed, "I can't see the wood for the trees"
If he was to come to our place everything would be back the front.
I'll explain that if necessary.


While walking last night , God said, "Boy, do you want some wood"
I said, "Speak Lord, your servant is listening".
I hurried home and was able to get 2 trailer loads, I got it all even before the ferals turned up.
Thanks be to God.
Ben looks at my wood and says, "Dad, you've got wood to burn".!!!
I look and say, well that should last for 2 cold weeks.
Does the world really need optimists?
But then I must say, sometimes, when the Spirit moves, I feel Michael Angelo rising inside. (He was the guy that looked at a huge piece of granite and saw David within)
and at those times I see all sorts of things in the wood. No, I don't mean grubs and such, I mean things like Bowls and Standard Lamps and Candle Holders.

Can you guess what some people will "receive" for Christmas?

Some people are wool gatherers, I gather all sorts of things, I'm sure one could live on the things that Rowville people throw out.
More strength to the gatherers of this world
2 verses from the hoarders (and makers) bible
Proverbs 6:6 Go to the ant, thou sluggard, consider her ways and be wise.
Proverbs 30:28 The spider taketh hold with her hands, and is in King's palaces

To ponder on, the words of a "poor" poet from Scotland named Burns.
I would the gift that God would gie us
to see ourselves as others see us
It woulld from many a blunder free us
and foolish notions


At 11:05 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

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At 6:52 pm, Blogger Larry Holt said...

I wood like to hear more on this I wood. Wood that be possible?


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